The internet has transformed how we live, for better or worse. From being a rare, awkward commodity to a necessary accessory, cell phones have changed.

It can be terrifying to see adult content appear on your screen when there are kids or family members present. Viral content entering our screens is largely due to malware.

How to block adult websites on my iPhone?Using a parental control app like Covenant Eyes is one method of blocking adult websites on your iPhone. Any objectionable content will be filtered out by Covenant Eyes, preventing it from showing up on your phone.

On iPhones and Android devices, adult websites can be blocked in a number of ways. We put together a list of simple techniques for teaching your child the kind of gentle parenting and internet safety they require.

How To Block Adult Websites On iPhone?

With little effort and a simple setup, Apple enables you to block adult content on your phone.

You can start setting your parental controls by going into Settings on either an iPhone or an iPad. the sidebar that appears, and then select the General menu.

Finding Content & Privacy Restrictions should come after finding General Settings. These are typically turned off on iPhones. However, you must turn Restrictions on in order to block adult websites on an iPhone. Once you have completed this, the relevant tab will turn green.

Your iPhone’s restrictions are now activated, and you’ll see a number of applications in the list below. All of these are switched on by default. This list primarily includes pre-installed programs like:

  • FaceTime
  • Safari
  • Camera
  • Siri
  1. Go to settings and tap on Screen Time
  2. Tap on Content & Privacy Restrictions
  3. Tap on appropriate tab
  4. Enter passkey
  5. Select Content Restriction > Web Content

However, if you have since added applications to your iPhone, you can also move to impose limitations on those programs.

block adults websites

How To Block Adult Websites On Android?

While it is simple to figure out how to block inappropriate websites on Apple phones, it can be more difficult on Android devices.

One of the simplest ways to block websites on an Android device is to download an app from the Play Store since there isn’t a clear parental control setting.

You can manage the screen time allotted and restrict access to specific websites with the aid of apps like Norton Family Parental Control. Similar to that, the Clean Browsing app prevents access to adult websites and content.

While many of these websites or porn-blocking apps offer in-app purchases, the majority of them reliably limit the internet content accessible to your Android for free.

While the procedure varies from app to app, the vast majority have an easy-to-use interface and a clear setting for parental control or website restrictions. The specific websites you want to block can then be entered from there.

General Ways To Block Adult Websites On My Phone

Method 1: Turn On Google SafeSearch

The best way to prevent porn on an Android device is to turn on Google Safe Search, which prevents explicit or inappropriate videos and images from appearing in Google Search results. It provides a layer of defense against harmful content. In every web browser, you can toggle this on and off. Once configured, it will begin preventing access to harmful photos, videos, and websites when using the Play Store or the Internet.

Set Google as Your Search Engine– Google should be set as the default search engine in the browser’s settings, so check there.

Enable SafeSearch– Tap the gear icon in the Google app on your smartphone after opening it. In the SafeSearch filters section, scroll down to “Search Settings,” tap on it, and then select “Filter explicit results.”

Check and Recheck All Devices Periodically– Follow the instructions above to install SafeSearch on all of your devices, and then regularly check the settings.

Method 2: Use Google Play Restrictions

You can restrict access to adult content on the Google Play Store for both yourself and children. Select Parental Controls from the Google Play Store’s settings menu. To block content that you do not want, enable the feature and create a PIN. If you’re doing it for kids, you can set age restrictions based on their age for various categories.

Method 3: Implementing OpenDNS

Using OpenDNS effectively blocks any website with objectionable content. The DNS of the ISP is used when you access the Internet. However, all traffic will be filtered through their servers, which will block adult websites, if you replace the existing DNS with OpenDNSs.

OpenDNS Family Shield uses the following IP addresses:


The service restricts access to pornographic material under the “Tasteless,” “Pornography,” and “Sexuality” categories. This service also blocks proxies, phishing websites, anonymizers, and some malware.

Method 4: Install A Safe Browser

Download a secure browser as an alternative to conventional ones. In such a browser, only safe content could be downloaded and the majority of adult content would already have been blocked. As a result, set it as your default browser.

Method 5: Install Parental Control

Installing a parental control app on the device will enable you to keep an eye on your children’s online activity and track everything they do, including their browsing history, text messages, emails, calls, videos, photos, emails, contacts, GPS locations, and use of social media apps.

Hope you are clear on your question, “How can I prevent adult websites from loading on my phone?” These techniques are all very successful. Which one have you chosen to use, please let us know. If you have any additional ideas, please share them with us in the comments section below.

Method 6: Enable Web Filter

Any web filter that you deem adequate can be enabled, and it will block any websites that contain pornographic or adult material. Select a solution that enables you to control site access. Different web filters meet various needs. Choose accordingly.

How To Limit Adult Websites?

Scroll to the bottom of your iPhone’s screen to make sure no inappropriate websites have managed to bypass the restrictions. Websites are one of the options for restrictions that you see. On your iPhone, this is usually set to allow all websites to load.

That’s not necessarily the environment you want, though, if you’re trying to parent responsibly. It can be changed by tapping the Websites listing and changing the instruction from “allow all websites” to “limit adult content.”‘

Tips For Keeping Our Internet Safe

Newer or unusual parenting techniques like Montessori parenting or gentle parenting are becoming more and more popular as internet usage and popularity increase.

What is gentle parenting, for those readers who may be wondering? It is a method that encourages a child’s emotional and cognitive development. The children’s version of free-range farming, though, is not this. Children may have more freedom, but discipline is still a crucial component of gentle parenting.

Parents everywhere concur that setting boundaries regarding the internet and its use is an essential component of modern discipline, even though people disagree about which parenting approach is more favored in contemporary America.

We won’t ever be able to stop kids from using the internet, but we can control their access and block adult websites and other mature content they aren’t ready for.

But what are some of the most effective methods for doing this?

Limit Screen Time

In our early years, we were only allowed to use the computer for a strictly regulated half-hour. Since screens were already prevalent and were starting to be required for tasks like school projects, even at the time, this restriction was unreasonable.

However, keeping tabs on that screen time is not unreasonable. Having screens restricted to communal areas is one way to achieve this.

Another efficient method of controlling your child’s screen time is to create a contract. The terms and conditions of using the internet should be outlined in this contract.

In order for children to experience consistency regarding their screen use, it is crucial for those involved in parallel parenting to pre-agree on the contract’s terms.

Reduced screen time also lessens the likelihood that your kids will develop electronic screen syndrome. The term was first used by Dr. Dunckley to talk about the nervous system becoming overstimulated after being exposed to electronics for an extended period of time.

It can happen to toddlers as well because they are prone to becoming overexcited by what they see on screens and failing to respond appropriately. This is especially true for teenagers who sleep with their phones beside them and can never truly disconnect from the internet.

Talk About Internet Safety

Talking to your kids about the dangers of the internet is another way to keep them safe and educated since the foundation of Montessori and gentle parenting is a disciplined exploration of the self as your child matures.

Not that you shouldn’t block adult websites on your phone, though. You ought to, and undoubtedly you will when the situation calls for it.

It’s simple to overlook the fact that the internet isn’t always trustworthy as it becomes an increasingly important part of daily life. This topic was constantly discussed in our homes because we were young when the internet was just getting started.

Although it wasn’t yet possible to block inappropriate websites, our parents implemented parental controls and instilled in us the idea that not everything on the internet was appropriate or safe.

Despite the many changes that have occurred since then, one of the parental responsibilities still remains education, particularly regarding something as hazy as cyberspace.

A more mature child will gain an understanding of your viewpoint from these conversations, which is an added benefit. They will be more likely to accept you rather than retaliate if they can comprehend why you block adult websites on your iPhone or Android device.

Choose Router-based Solutions

Another practical option is to use routers to block porn. Start by assessing the features of your current router. Your router might already have filtering, parental controls, and other security features depending on the situation. If your router doesn’t have these features, think about replacing it with one that offers better protection against online dangers like phishing and risky websites.

The fact that all connected devices automatically receive the settings from router-based solutions is a benefit. If your child is connected to the same secure network at home and using a gaming console, smart TV, smartphone, or tablet, they won’t be able to access pornographic content.

Create A List Of Inappropriate Websites To Block

Parents should agree on a list of inappropriate websites to block in addition to watching how their children use the internet. Similar to contracts, parallel parents will need to be consistent with these, but if you can sync devices with a program like BlockSite, it will handle the majority of the work for you.

Verify With Your Internet Service Provider

You have access to tools from your Internet service provider (ISP), including parental controls, website filters, and restrictions on Internet accessibility. For instance, Verizon offers Smart Family and Smart Family Premium subscriptions, which let you monitor the information your kids access on their devices, block messages and contacts, and track their whereabouts.

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How do I set up parental controls on my iPhone’s Safari?

Launch the Settings app, then choose “General” to enable parental controls for Safari on iPhone.” Select “Restrictions” from the list at the bottom, then click “Enable Restrictions” to activate them.” You’ll be asked to create a passcode. You can decide which features to impose restrictions on after creating a passcode. Turn the switch next to “Safari” to the “ON” position if you want to restrict Safari.

How can I block adult websites on my iPhone for good?

On the iPhone, there is no way to indefinitely block adult websites. There are a few ways to momentarily block them, though. Utilizing a content filtering app like Covenant Eyes is one way to do it. A parental control app like Restriction Profiles can be used as an alternative.

Can I use my phone to block particular websites?

Using a website blocker app, you can prevent access to particular websites on your phone. These apps, which are numerous, function by obstructing the IP address of the website.

How can unsuitable websites be blocked?

Using parental controls on your computer or phone, you can block inappropriate websites. Inappropriate websites won’t show up on your screen if you install a blocker app.

Why are websites restricted on my iPhone?

The websites on your iPhone may be blocked for a number of reasons. Your internet service provider blocking the website is one possibility. Another possibility is that your iPhone’s settings have blocked access to the website. You can try changing the settings on your iPhone or getting in touch with your internet service provider to unblock a website.

On an iPhone, is Safari lockable?

On an iPhone, you can indeed disable Safari. Open the Settings app, then select “Safari” to do this.” Then enable the “Auto-Lock” setting and specify a time limit.